
As described in one of my previous posts , environmentally-friendly funerals are increasingly gaining popularity. Interestingly, not all modern funerals in the western world involve disposing of the body by conventional means, such as cremation or full body burial. A method which has recently gained increased public awareness is promession, i.e. freeze-drying the human remains prior to disposal. The method allows the body to become a nutrient-rich fertiliser, allowing the life cycle to progress naturally. The process essentially involves freezing the dead body, before shaking it to make it fall apart The method is relatively straight-forward, involving 5 key stages: (a video demonstrating the process can be watched here: ) 1. Coffin separation : the body is removed from the coffin and placed in a chamber of the Promator machine. 2. Cryogenic freezing : liquid nitrogen at -196 degrees Celsius is used to freeze the body, in effect turning it ...